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Birketts Diversity

Discover how Birketts promote diversity and inclusion within and beyond their offices!

Birketts have been increasingly thinking about how to make sure they are creating a diverse and inclusive environment for all of their colleagues. Their five key work streams, Gender Diversity, Social Mobility, Inclusiveness, Race and Ethnicity, Mental Health and Wellbeing, guide their diversity initiatives, working towards a fully supportive and inclusive firm. Diversity initiatives at Birketts include:

Legal apprenticeships - Introduced to provide an alternative route to law for those unable to pursue the traditional route of attending university.

Cornerstone - As a 'Cornerstone Employer', Birketts works with local state schools and colleges to develop employability skills among students, acting as an ambassador for social mobility.

Gender Diversity the pathway to Partnership - An interactive workshop for female associates to identify, discuss and navigate the practical and psychological obstacles to career progression.

Diversity Data




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