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All your questions about RPC and their opportunities are listed below! 

Where should I study the LPC?

RPC would like their trainees to study at the University of Law.

What will happen when I arrive?

The first few weeks of your training contract will involve the firm’s trainee new starter programme, allowing you to be introduced to RPC. You will meet the partners, the trainee development team as well as the current trainees. You’ll also complete the core modules of the Professional Skills Course

What are RPC’s plans with the SQE?

RPC are currently weighing up potential options and will keep candidates updated on their plans. 

Will I have to work long hours?

When there is a lot of work to be done and rapidly approaching deadlines, all lawyers will be expected to put in the hours needed. This will not be a regular occurrence. 

Can I include mitigating circumstances in my application?

Yes. There will be a box for mitigating circumstances on the application form, all relevant details should be included there. The firm will also automatically consider the impact of COVID-19 with regards to exams taken in 2020 and 2021.
