
  • 10 Critical Thinking Skills Every Lawyer Must MasterEmily Hindle

    In the legal profession, the ability to think critically is indispensable. Lawyers are tasked with analysing complex legal issues, crafting persuasive arguments, and making sound decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. In this article, we will delve into 10 critical thinking skills that every lawyer must master in order to excel in their profession.

  • 7 qualities every good lawyer should haveSofia Gymer

  • Adaptability in Law: How to Thrive in a Changing Legal LandscapeElizabeth Beesley

    In the dynamic realm of the legal profession, adaptability is a cornerstone skill, essential for thriving amidst the ever-evolving landscape. Adaptability encompasses a range of qualities, including flexibility, resilience, and an unwavering openness to innovation and learning. 

    In this article, we delve into the significance of adaptability within the legal sphere, shedding light on its pivotal role in navigating the intricate web of changes and challenges that define the industry. 

    We will explore the various dimensions of adaptability in the legal context, from understanding the shifting legal landscape to fostering a culture of adaptability within legal organisations. By embracing these insights and honing essential skills, legal practitioners can chart a course towards enduring success in an ever-changing world.

  • Are extroverts good lawyers?Zara Arif

    Extroversion is the quality of being outgoing and socially adept. It also involves displaying assertiveness and confidence. These qualities are of course, on the surface, useful for the legal profession. 

    Nevertheless, while extroversion can be beneficial, there may be misconceptions or challenges associated with being an extroverted lawyer. There are, in fact, many personality types which excel as lawyers. 

    This article will explore extroverted tendencies and dispel myths about extroverts in law, whilst discussing strengths and challenges. It will also walk through how extroversion can be leveraged in legal practice in order to create an inclusive environment where everyone’s successes are celebrated.

  • Are introverts good lawyers?Elizabeth Beesley

    In a society that often celebrates extrovert qualities, the introverted personality type is frequently overlooked despite being prevalent across various professional fields, including law. This raises the central question: can introverts truly excel as lawyers?  

    This article aims to delve into this inquiry, inviting us to contemplate the intersection between personality traits and success within the legal profession. We will explore common misconceptions surrounding introverts, shed light on their inherent strengths in legal practice, address potential challenges they may encounter, and offer strategies to leverage their unique qualities for success in the legal arena.

  • Are you suited to a career in law?Coventry University Careers Centre

  • Best Routes into LawBilly Sexton

  • Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques in Contract Review for Law Students and TraineesNandini Jadeja

    With the legal landscape becoming more competitive than ever before, there is an increasingly high demand for skills that can set law students and trainees apart in their careers. One of these skills is advanced contract review, which this article aims to unpack. By taking you through the steps, you can explore and practise these advanced techniques and be one step ahead in your legal career. 

  • Breaking Down Contracts: A Step-by-Step Approach to Skillful Review for Aspiring SolicitorsElizabeth Beasley

    Contracts, the backbone of legal transactions, are intricate documents that demand meticulous examination. For aspiring solicitors, the ability to skillfully review contracts is a cornerstone of success in the legal profession. This article unveils a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to empower aspiring solicitors in navigating the complexities of contract review.


    Contract review is a critical facet of legal practice, requiring a nuanced understanding of legal language, terms, and clauses. It is akin to decoding a puzzle, where each piece contributes to the overall picture. Aspiring solicitors must recognize the significance of this skill in ensuring the legality, fairness, and precision of contractual agreements

  • Breaking Into Human Rights Law: Your Ultimate Guide to Job HuntingZara Arif

    Human rights law plays a critical role in protecting individuals and addressing global injustices. For this reason, human rights lawyers can have a great impact in shaping policies and promoting justice on both national and global scales. 

    As it is such an interesting and important field of law, the competition for jobs is high. Pursuing a career in this field can represent unique challenges, but there are also many professional and personal rewards associated with the career. 

    This article will help you job hunt through emphasising the need for a strategic and well-informed approach. The job search should be seen as a multi-faceted process involving both preparation and proactive engagement. 

  • Bridging the Gap: From Law School to Environmental AdvocacyFrancesca Jackson

    The need for environmental advocacy in a world beset by climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and other environmental issues has never been greater. There is a growing recognition that legal professionals play a crucial role in addressing these challenges. If you would like to be one of the environmental advocates of the future, you’re in the right place! This article will take you through what it takes to bridge the gap between law school and real-life environmental law practice, sharing effective strategies and tips to help you accomplish your goals.

  • Building a Foundation: Early Career Steps in Criminal LawFrancesca Jackson

    If you’re interested in a career in criminal law, but not sure how to go about it, you’re in the right place! This article will offer guidance to aspiring legal professionals interested in pursuing careers in criminal law, by providing insights into various career paths and outlining the essential steps you need to take to build a successful foundation in this field.

  • Building a Network in Human Rights Law: Key Contacts and StrategiesGeorgia Purcell

    We’ve all had the importance of networking stressed to us time and time again – but what actually are the benefits? Networking is more than the act of exchanging business cards or establishing superficial connections. It is a fundamental element of career development and professional growth, particularly in the field of human rights law.

  • Building a Sustainable Career in Environmental LawGeorgia Purcell

    Environmental law is an area of the legal profession that has grown in importance, playing a crucial role in regulating human activities that impact the environment. If you have your sights set on life as an environmental lawyer, you’ll play an important role in advocating for environmental protection and sustainability and contributing to the greater good! 

    As environmental concerns continue to escalate globally, there’s an increasing demand for people like you who want to specialise in environmental law. If this is you, you’re in the right place, as this article guides you through how to build a sustainable career in environmental law.

  • Can a lawyer become a billionaire?Zara Arif

    Many people pursue a career in law for the money and lifestyle that they believe it comes with. The career has been glamourised by TV shows such as Suits and Partner Track, while the news includes many stories about multi-million deals being worked on by law firms. But just how does this glitz and glamour filter down to individual lawyers? Can a lawyer become a billionaire?

  • Can a non-lawyer own a law firm in the UK?Claudia Chan

    It is easy to assume that only lawyers can own law firms. After all, the word ‘law’ suggests that law firms are for lawyers. However, this article sets out to dispel that assumption: non-lawyers ownership of firms in the UK is possible due to the Legal Services Act 2007.

  • Can a shy person be a lawyer?Robert Greene

    If your perception of life as a lawyer has been shaped by popular Netflix series or Hollywood movies, you would be forgiven for thinking that you must be larger-than-life to pursue a career as a lawyer. And whilst many lawyers are bold (and sometimes brash), not all lawyers are.

  • Can English solicitors act in Scotland?Francesca Evans

    Many people often assume that the requirements to qualify as a solicitor are the same across the UK. Here, we discuss how being a solicitor in Scotland differs from England but also how English solicitors are able to transfer their legal skills to qualify to act in Scotland.

  • Can I go into law with an English degree?Helena Kudiabor

    Although you may have thought that you need a law degree to be a lawyer, you can become a lawyer regardless of what you studied at undergraduate. English graduates have certain specific skills which make them attractive to the legal profession. Read on to learn more.

  • Can you become a lawyer by doing an online degree in the UK?Nandini Jadeja

    With busy lifestyles and a rise in the number of online educational options available, online degrees are becoming more and more popular. But can you become a lawyer with one? Here we break down online degrees in the legal world.