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Sidley Austin LLP FAQs

Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Sidley Austin. 

Do Sidley Austin take into account social mobility factors?

Yes! The firm uses RARE contextual recruitment, which looks at applicant's achievements in light of their background and personal circumstances.

Does Sidley Austin have a preferred law school?

Sidley Austin prefers their trainees to study at the BPP Law School, although it will not harm your application if you studied with a competitor.

Are there any academic requirements when it comes to the GDL/LPC?

The firm requires that their trainees take the fast track LPC, and pass both the GDL and the LPC first time. 

When do training contracts begin?

Training contracts start in August.

I was unsuccessful last year. Can I reapply?

You can reapply, providing that you have undergone further work experience or anything else that would have made a significant difference to your application. 
