
Feb 09, 2018

Written By Billy Sexton, Editor,

Law University Interview Sample Questions

Feb 09, 2018

Written By Billy Sexton, Editor,

Applying to study law at university may sometimes include an admissions interview. ‘But none of my friends have a university interviews, or have to take the LNAT!’ Well, that’s because law is a popular subject and universities want to get the best candidates out there. Don’t worry though, we have plenty of advice on preparing for the LNAT, as well as information on preparing for a law university interview.

But you want more? Some sample questions to help you prepare and practice? Oh, go on then, we’ll help you out. But just this once, okay? Good. Before we start, we should mention that interviews are carried out because the university want to get to know you better as a person and decide whether they think you’ll be good for the course. It would be silly not to be slightly nervous, but the most important thing is to prepare well and be yourself.

Law university interviews aren’t meant to be intimidating, rather you should see them as a way to show the university how awesome you are.

Sample law interview questions & answers

Starting off with the most obvious questions you’re likely to be asked; why do you want to study law? Why do you want to study at this university? We would try our very best to provide some sample answers to these but the fact of the matter is that only you can answer that question honestly!

Questions will also be based on what you mentioned in your personal statement, so it’s important not to copy your mate or make things up. So, how do you think your position as a sports team captain has helped you develop over the years? A good response to this would be saying how it has helped you hone those leadership skills, as well as valuing the importance of team work, something you expect to be doing throughout your studies and career. Also, if you’ve taken a gap year or plan to, they may ask you what you did and why.

Questions about your future law career

This brings us on nicely to questions about your law career. The university may ask you what legal profession are thinking of following (solicitor, barrister, legal executive) and what areas of law interest you and why. You don’t need to be certain that you want to be a solicitor specialising in commercial law, but being able show that you’ve thought about these things show ambition and a sense of direction. They may also ask why you think going to university will help your career, particularly when there are legal apprenticeships available.

You may also be asked about your school, what you most enjoy about the subjects you study and even what you dislike most. Again, only you can answer this honestly, but we advise that you don’t rant on about how Mr Smith is a ‘proper numpty’.

Questions about the legal field

Finally, it’s highly likely that you will be asked about your subject. The interviewer isn’t expecting you to be an expert, but they look for a genuine interest. It’s no use telling them that you want to be a solicitor because the wage packet is tidy. Rather, tell them about a particular case you heard about, or how you find intellectual property law interesting.

The most important thing is to keep calm and be yourself. Of course, your law university interview is important, but so long as you prepare and practice (get your mum to fire questions at you) you will be absolutely fine! 





University Interviews