Mar 05, 2024

Written By Francesca Jackson

Navigating the Interview Process at High-Street Law Firms: What to Expect

Mar 05, 2024

Written By Francesca Jackson

When it comes to navigating the interview process at high street law firms, being well-prepared is key. Understanding the interview dynamics can significantly enhance your chances of success. This article will guide you on how to navigate the interview process effectively.

Before the interview 

Researching the firm 

The importance of thoroughly researching the law firm before the interview cannot be overstated. Understanding the firm’s culture, practice areas, recent cases and notable achievements can help you tailor your responses and demonstrate your alignment with the firm’s values and goals. 

To conduct effective research, consider exploring the firm’s website, reading recent new articles, and networking with current employees. 

Understanding the role 

Be sure to carefully analyse the job description to understand fully the specific responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for the role. You should also tailor your interview responses to align with the requirements outlined in the job description, so think about what relevant experiences and skills you have. 

Preparing for the interview 

Reviewing your CV and cover letter 

Consider reviewing and rereading the CV and cover letter you submitted before the interview. Make sure that you can talk about and expand upon everything you discussed. 

Practising interview questions 

Practising common interview questions is crucial to building confidence and refining responses.

Try conducting mock interviews with friends, family members, or mentors to simulate interview scenarios and receive constructive feedback. 

During the interview 

Making a positive first impression 

Make sure you dress professionally and arrive on time for the interview to make a positive first impression. Display confidence through positive body language, such as maintaining eye contact, offering a firm handshake, and sitting upright. 

Answering interview questions 

Make sure you talk about your experiences, skills and qualifications effectively during the interview. Mention specific examples to support your responses and demonstrate your suitability for the role. Be sure to quantify your achievements and stress what makes you stand out. Also make sure you can explain why you’re applying for a role at a high-street firm and why you’d prefer this working environment to a large city firm.

Asking intelligent questions 

It’s important to ask thoughtful and relevant questions during the interview to demonstrate your genuine interest and engagement. Make sure that the questions you ask go beyond things you can easily find on the firm’s website.

Handling common interview scenarios 

Behavioural interviews

In behavioural interviews, candidates are asked to provide specific examples from their past experiences. 

To answer behavioural questions, use the STAR Method: 

Case study or legal scenario questions 

Demonstrating your analytical thinking and problem-solving skills is key when responding to case study or legal scenario questions. To break down complex scenarios, make sure you can identify key issues and propose logical solutions or recommendations. 

Dealing with curveball questions

Try to remain calm and composed when faced with unexpected or challenging questions. It’s a good idea to reframe questions that you may not immediately know the answer to and then respond thoughtfully based on your experiences and knowledge. Remember that the interviewers know you won’t have all the answers yet, but coming up with something that makes sense shows your ability to problem solve and stay calm under pressure.


After the interview 

Sending thank-you notes 

Consider sending personalised thank-you notes to interviewers within 24-48 hours of the interview as a way of expressing gratitude. Include specific parts of the interview that resonated with you. 

Sending a thank-you note is also an opportunity to reiterate your interest in the position and express appreciation for the interviewer's time and insights. 

Follow-up and next steps 

If you haven’t heard from the interviewer within the given timeframe, you can send a follow up email asking them for clarification. If you do, make sure that you maintain a professional and polite tone in the email and that you reiterate your interest in the role.  

If you are rejected from the job, remember that rejection is simply redirection. It is a good idea to ask the interviewer for feedback to help you prepare for future interviews. 


To recap, be sure to prepare thoroughly, demonstrate confidence and highlight your key skills and experience to effectively navigate the interview process at high-street law firms. Remember, you are a capable candidate and you have a huge amount of value to bring to potential employers.

If you do have an upcoming interview at a high-street firm, good luck!


Selection & Assessment