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Pro Bono Opportunities at The University of Law

We run a large and varied legal Pro Bono programme, offering over 3,700 opportunities each year, to enable you to put the skills you’ve learnt into practice and gain the type of experience that employers value.

Examples of these Pro Bono opportunities include:

Legal advice centres

Participate in legal advice centres, answering legal enquiries from the general public. This casework programme gives you valuable first-hand experience of client relationships, legal research and drafting legal documents.

Public legal education programmes

The StreetLaw and public legal education programmes raise legal awareness in communities.

Shadowing opportunities

We organise a range of shadowing opportunities throughout the year to give students the opportunity to see and experience first-hand what it’s like to be a solicitor or judge.

How we can help

Our employability team can help you succeed by providing you with advice, opportunities to get practical experience and connect you to professionals in the industries you’re interested in.

Campus-specific opportunities

Find out more about what our individual campuses offer here.