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There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Feb 09, 2018
Written By Maudie Powell-Tuck, All About Law
Feb 09, 2018
Written By Maudie Powell-Tuck, All About Law
A law personal statement allows you to show off those writing skills essential for an LLB law degree and a successful career in law. It can spell the difference between a university offer or not, so don’t let schoolboy errors put you in the no pile!
For more detail on undergraduate course options head over to our LLB Courses section.
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
A personal statement is just that: personal. Regurgitating often-used quotes wont impress, unless you use them in an original way.
Admissions tutors read hundreds of personal statements so including the same quote as everyone else looks generic and/or lazy.
Also, try to avoid overused opening lines, like “From a young age” and “For as long as I can remember” – it’s OK not to have yearned to be barrister as a foetus.
There are certain words that get overused in applicants' personal statements (and CVs later on in life!), such as "Really interested”, “relish”, “intrigued”, “passionate”.
Instead of saying “I’m really interested in law and would relish the chance to study it”, prove it by giving examples. Stuffing your personal statement with phrases like “highly interested” isn’t the most effective way to show enthusiasm and passion.
What is it about law that draws you in? Is there an area of law that particularly piques your interest? What do you want to do with your degree? Show them that law floats your boat, don’t just tell them.
You don’t have to use up the allocated 4,000 characters and 47 lines of text. Don’t put in things just to pad out your personal statement and don’t try to cram too much into it. Your personal statement should have a clear structure.
Be selective about what you put in it. Above all, don’t waffle.
It’s tempting to fabricate work experience, but if it comes to interviews, you might well be asked about it. The risk associated with lying or copying far outweighs the benefits.
You don’t have to be starkly honest either; saying “I have work experience with a local solicitors’ firm, but it was rubbish and all I did was make tea” probably won’t make them rush to offer you a place.
If you do lie about having read certain books, then you’d better read them before the interview.
It’s great to inject personality into your personal statement, but what you think is funny might go down like a lead balloon with an admissions tutor.
To be on the safe side, steer clear of jokes, but do try and make your personal statement engaging.
There’s no point spending years on your personal statement. Yes, it’s important, but spending hours fretting over the placement of a particular word is counterproductive.
Here’s the thing: most universities look at grades first and foremost.
However, do give yourself time to put together your personal statement. Most people will create several drafts before they are happy.
Leaving it to the very last minute is a bad idea: you’re more likely to make mistakes and put together something sloppy.
Allow time to get feedback, preferably from someone with experience of university admissions, such as a teacher.
The best writers know their audience. Law personal statements are written for admission tutors. You need to understand what universities expect from their students and what qualities they seek in a candidate.
Speaking to tutors at open days, scrutinising law schools’ websites and reading the course profile in depth are great ways to get an idea.
Broadly speaking, they’ll want candidates who demonstrate clear passion for the subject, who will throw themselves into university life and contribute to the reputation of their university.
You might be desperate to get a place on, say, the University of Bristol’s LLB programme, but don’t spell it out in your law personal statement.
Cover letters for companies might need to be super tailored to the organisation, but UCAS personal statements need to have a broader focus.
They should be relevant to every law course to which you are applying.
Feel free to talk about the LLB as a whole, but don’t mention specific features of individual LLBs like the chance to study abroad, unless it applies to all of the courses you are applying to via UCAS.
If you are going to ignore all of the above, this is the one point that we’d shout from the rafters. Check your personal statement.
Double check it, triple check it. And then check it again. Scrutinise every sentence for mistakes, repetition or silly grammatical errors like using “your” in the wrong instance instead of “you’re”.
Get someone whose proofreading skills you utterly trust to inspect your law personal statement. Most admissions tutors can sniff out dodgy spelling and errant grammar like a polar bear snuffling out a seal.
Law Personal Statement