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Bevan Brittan FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Bevan Brittan.

What is Bevan Brittan looking for in a future trainee?

Bevan Brittan are looking for individuals with enthusiasm, especially for the sectors and areas of law in which they specialise. Individuals who are happy to work in a team, with a good understanding of commerciality.

Do trainees have a choice of where they sit?

At Bevan Brittan, every effort is made in planning seat allocations to accommodate your preferences and career plans, whilst also taking into consideration the needs of the business and the experience the Solicitors Regulation Authority requires you to have upon qualification.

Do you accept applications from non-law students?

Yes, Bevan Brittan accept applications with any degree (or equivalent).

What makes an application stand out?

Applications that really showcase a passion in the type of clients and sectors the firm work in are usually the ones that stand out the most. Make sure you do your research, and avoid submitting an application that is generic to any law firm. In addition, possibly the most important tip…check your spelling and grammar!
