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Dechert FAQs

Do you have questions about Dechert's first year opportunities, preferred law school and more? You're in luck. You'll find the answers here!

Are there any opportunities available for first year students?

Dechert holds a variety of different events at universities across the country, as well as with different companies. There are also open days which provide insights into life at the firm, provide application tips and allow students to network with trainees. This year we will be hosting our open day in our London office on Tuesday 21 November.

Will you cover my travel costs for an interview?

The firm will cover your travel expenses up to £100.

Do you offer feedback if I am unsuccessful?

Dechert only provides feedback if you are unsuccessful after the assessment centre. 

Who is your preferred law school?

Sponsored students at Dechert will study their SQE prep course and PGDL at The University of Law – Moorgate campus. In return, the firm covers the cost of the course, as well as a maintenance grant of £12,500 per year.

What kind of volunteering opportunities are available?

Past trainees have provided pro bono advice at the Islington law centre and for prisoners seeking appeals. Non-legal volunteering events include reading to primary school children and taking part in firm-wide fundraising events. 
